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Journey And Destination


Issue 069

How often have you heard the phrase ‘Life is a journey, not a destination’? If you work on the people side of business you will hear it often. You will also come across the concept that it is important to travel well and that processes are significant.

Some time ago I was travelling with some colleagues to Grantham in Lincolnshire. A team of us were heading there to do some work and our navigator was an American who assured us that she could see Grantham on the map. After an inappropriate amount of time had passed, I asked to see the map. We were heading to Grantham. We were travelling well, the journey was fine, we were chatting productively in the car and the weather was good. We had planned well and we were ready for action, but we were going to the wrong place. There was a part of our travelplan which was defective – we were heading to the wrong destination. In other respects we were travelling well but our map reading was faulty and our preparation would have been wasted. No one was waiting for us in Grantham in the North of England.

Our preparation was based on going to Grantham in Lincolnshire; our travelling was geared to that.

So life is a journey and a destination. The travelling affects the destination and the destination affects how you travel. So how are you travelling and where areyou heading? It is not enough to work well; we must work towards. It is not just a question of goals;it’s a question of the right goals. When you work today are you working towards Heaven? It matters how you travel but it also matters where you are going. Don’t be deceived by human resources-speak which ignores the ultimate destiny of your soul.


Philippians 3:14

14I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.

Mark 8:35-37

35For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me and for the gospel will save it. 36What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul? 37Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul?

Series: -
Module: 7
Season: -
Daily Guide: No

Tags: destination, destiny, goal, journey, soul

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Work well
Geoff Shattock

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