Issue 084
Work, as life, is full of endings and beginnings. Even in a
stable working environment, tasks, projects, relationships or
careers come to an end resulting in a new beginning for
those involved. Worklife goes through its phases of
preparation and training, qualification and development, and
then times of progressive withdrawal or retirement – all with
beginnings and endings. In a more volatile situation, change
produces sometimes unwelcome endings and forced
Whilst some temperaments thrive on change and challenge,
even the most adventurous of souls can find endings and
beginnings daunting. The challenge of the change will be
related to the nature of the step. A step from one good
situation to another, whilst a challenge, is not as daunting as
going from good to bad. Whatever the relationship between
the past and future which wraps around the new beginning, it
is interesting to observe that these times of change are always
made a lot easier if there are positive, welcoming and
affirming people around. A child starting school needs
friendly teachers and classmates. A retiring worker benefits
from a warm send off. And at all steps in-between the care,
encouragement and support of others create the energy
needed to deal with the endings and beginnings of whatever
In this sense we all live by the compassion of others who
enable us to take the step on our path. Sadly, sometimes
people fail us or let us down and the step becomes painful,
discouraging or lonely.
Happily there is a supply of compassion that never fails. The
compassions of God, according to Jeremiah – who needed a
great deal – never fail; in fact there is a new supply every
morning. This covers weekdays and weekends as well
holidays. It also covers endings and beginnings. Each new day
brings a fresh supply of compassions from the Lord himself,
to enable us to cope. Every day, then, is a new beginning with
the One who never changes but makes all things new…..
Lamentations 3:21-24
21 Yet this I call to mind
and therefore I have hope:
22 Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed,
for his compassions never fail.
23 They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.
24 I say to myself, “The LORD is my portion;
therefore I will wait for him.”
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Work well
Geoff Shattock
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