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Enjoying Your Work


Issue 035

If you are enjoying yourself, it’s probably sin. If you are really enjoying yourself, it’s definitely sin. If you are going to get religion you’d better have a hen party or a stag night beforehand because from here on in it’s going to be unrelenting misery.

Of all the personality types we meet, the ‘religious’ type seems to have a
poor reputation when it comes to enjoyment. Somehow it’s slipped into
common mythology that Christians are dour killjoys.

Two good friends of mine were telling me that the main reason that they
work is for fun. If it’s not fun for at least most of the time, why do it?
Well, because surely it’s a calling and God hasn’t called us to fun but to a
serious working out of His ways in our lives. However, when I see a
Messiah making 180 gallons of wine, eating and drinking at parties, and
cracking jokes in his parables, I may have missed the point. And how on
earth did He keep twelve men together for three years if there wasn’t at
least an element of fun?

Maybe he and my friends had read a quote from Solomon who said, “I saw
that there is nothing better for a person than to enjoy their work for,
that is their lot.”

So there it is. It’s official. We have permission from the bible to enjoy our
work. It’s not wrong to enjoy it and it’s not holy to be miserable. There’s
no need to feel guilty if we enjoy our work and there is no need to
apologise for wanting to enjoy it. In fact, as far as Solomon is concerned
there is nothing better than enjoying work. It’s also good to enjoy a


Ecclesiastes 3:22

22 For I saw that there is nothing better for a person than to enjoy their work, for that is their lot.

Series: -
Module: 7
Season: -
Daily Guide: Yes

Tags: calling, enjoy, feelings, fun, motivation

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Work well
Geoff Shattock

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